Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Paasonen, Susanna, et al. »'Natalie Wood Day': Sexual violence and celebrity remembrance in the #MeToo Era « Celebrity Studies (October 31, 2022): 1-20. [Info] Pacheco, Anita. »Rape and the Female Subject in Aphra Behn's "The Rover".« ELH 65 (1998): 323-345. [Info] Packard, Bethany. »Lavinia as coauthor of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.« SEL 50 (2010): 281-300. [Info] Packer, Peter, et al. The Massie Case. New York 1966. [Info] Packman, Zola M. »Call it rape. A motif in Roman comedy and its suppression in English-speaking publications.« Helios 20 (1993): 42-55. [Info] Packman, Zola. »Rape and consequences in the Latin declamations.« Scholia 8 (1999): 17-36. [Info] Paden, William D. »Rape in the pastourelle.« Romanic review 80 (1989): 331-349. [Info] Pagliarini, Marie A. »The pure American woman and the wicked catholic priest. An analysis of anti-catholic literature in antebellum America.« Religion and American culture 9 (1999): 97-128. [Info] Pagliaro, Annamaria. »Gender Relations and Sexual Violence in Federico De Roberto's Novels.« Spunti e Ricerche 33 (2018): 97-119. [Info] Pahl, Kerstin, et al. »Von Ehre und Ängsten: Vorschläge zu einer integrierten Emotionsgeschichte illegitimer Gewalt in militärischen Gewaltkulturen.« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 247-277. [Info] Paik, Seunghoon. »폭력의 연쇄반응: 구약의 성폭력 내러티브 연구.« 구약논단 30 (2024): 111-140. [Info] Painter, Nell I. Southern history across the color line. Chapel Hill 2002. [Info] Pak, Jai Sin. »Frauen solidarisieren sich international. Kriegsverbrechen Japans und ausstehende Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel Zwangsprostitution.« Forschungsjournal neue soziale Bewegungen 9 (1996): 96-101. [Info] Pak, Ky?ng-sik. »Ch?senjin ky?sei renk?.« Iwanami k?za. Nihon ts?shi. Vol. 19. Edited by Naohiro Asao et al. Tokyo 1995: 363-379. [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Sodomía y masculinidad en la ciudad de México (1821-1870).« Anuario de Estudios Americanos 72 (2015): 289-320. [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Tutela y desposesión corporal ante casos de estupro, rapto y violación en la Ciudad de México del siglo XIX.« Cuerpos que hablan: Estudios interdisciplinarios de cuerpología femenina. Edited by Oana Ursache et al. Turku 2017: 187-201. [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Biología y género en la etiología de la violencia sexual: Reflexiones desde la historia de la Escuela de Antropología Criminal Italiana (1876-1903).« Diálogos: Investigación y Sociedad. Reflexiones desde la Historia y la Historia del Arte.Edited by Alejandra Palafox Menegazzi et al. Santiago de Chile 2019: 89-111. [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Los "padres del vecindario": Sistema policial y delitos sexuales en la ciudad de México (1824-1880).« Revista Historia y Justicia No. 12 (2019). [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Higiene y degeneración en el tratamiento médico-legal de la violencia sexual en Chile.« Actas - Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana 23 (2020). [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »La Medicina Legal y el delito de violación en Chile (1875-1922).« Dynamis 40 (2020): 125-146. [Info] Palestro, Sandra. »Violencia sexual en la tortura contra mujeres: Un silencio con historia.« Mujeres y violencia: silencios y resistencias. Edited by Elena Águila. Santiago de Chile 2011: 77-83. [Info] Pallotti, Donatella. »"A most detestable crime": Representations of Rape in the Popular Press of Early Modern England.« LEA 1 (2012): 287-302. [Info] Pallotti, Donatella. »Maps of Woe Narratives of Rape in Early Modern England.« Journal of Early Modern Studies 2 (2013): 211-239. [Info] Palma, Evelyn, et al. »Memories of Boys, Girls, and Adolescent Victims of Political Prison and Torture by the Chilean Military-Civilian Dictatorship.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (August 21, 2017). [Info] Palmater, Pamela. »Shining Light on the Dark Places: Addressing Police Racism and Sexualized Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls in the National Inquiry.« Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 28 (2016): 253-284. [Info] Palmer, Amy. »An Evolutionary Analysis of Gender-Based War Crimes and the Continued Tolerance of "Forced Marriage".« Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights 7 (2009): 133-159. [Info] Palmer, Caroline, et al. »Re-Thinking Minnesota's Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence Using a Prevention Lens.« Symposium: 50th Anniversary of the Minnesota Criminal Code-Looking Back and Looking Forward. Saint Paul 2013. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »The evolutionary biology of rape.« Next sex. Sex in the age of its procreative superfluosness. Edited by Gerfried Stocker et al. Vienna 2000: 118-134. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. A natural history of rape. Biological bases of sexual coercion. Cambridge 2000. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. Una historia natural de la violacion. Los fundamentos biológicos de la coerción sexual. México 2007. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »Serial rape. An evolutionary perspective.« Serial offenders. Current thought, recent findings. Edited by Louis B. Schlesinger. Boca Raton 2000: 51-65. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »What A Natural History of Rape really says.« Independent (2000): 5. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »What does "A Natural History of Rape" really say.« Albuquerque tribune (March 2, 2000): C1-2. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »Why men rape.« Sciences 40 (2000): 30-36. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »Just why do men rape. Authors' reply.« Sciences 40 (2000): 6 and 46-47. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »Why men rape.« Rape. Edited by Mary E. Williams. San Diego 2001. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »A posse of good citizens brings outlaw evolutionists to justice. A response to Evolution, gender, and rape. Edited by Cheryl Brown Travis. (2003). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.« Evolutionary psychology 1 (2003): 10-27. [Info] Palmer, Craig T., et al. »Straw men and fairy tales. Evaluating reactions to - A natural history of rape.« Journal of sex research 40 (2003): 249-255. [Info] Palmieri, Daniel, et al. »Écrire l'histoire des viols en temps de guerre.« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 7-24. [Info] Palmieri, Daniel, et al. »Writing the History of Rape in Wartime.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 1-16. [Info] Panaretos, John, et al. Some Statistical Analysis of Greek Crime Data. Munich 2007. [Info] Pandey, Gyanendra. »Woman's Place in the No Man's Land of Violence: The Indian Subcontinent, 1947-48.« No Man's Land of Violence: Extreme Wars in the 20th Century. Edited by Alf Lüdtke et al. Göttingen 2006: 153-182. [Info] Pantelmann, Heike, et al. »Der universitäre Umgang mit sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme.« Open Gender Journal 5 (2021). [Info] Paolella, Francesco. »Violenze sessuali nella prima guerra mondiale. Medicina e politica in Italia.« Storia e problemi contemporanei 26 (2013): 99-108. [Info] Papaioannou, Stefan S. Balkan Wars between the Lines: Violence and Civilians in Macedonia, 1912-1918. Dissertation, University of Maryland, 2012. [Info] Papanastasiou, Natascha. Kriegstraumata im Generationenroman am Beispiel Deuscher Gegenwartsliteratur. Diplomarbeit, Aristoteles-Universität Thessaloniki, 2017. [Info] Papanastou, Julia. »Aggression and Violence Against Females: Analyzing the Similarities Between Myth and Film.« Parnassus 7 (2020): 47-55. [Info] Papavarnavas, Christodoulos. Gefängnis als Schwellenraum in der byzantinischen Hagiographie: Eine literarische Untersuchung der Märtyrerakten in früh- und mittelbyzantinischer Zeit. Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2018. [Info] Papavarnavas, Christodoulos. Gefängnis als Schwellenraum in der byzantinischen Hagiographie: Eine Untersuchung früh- und mittelbyzantinischer Märtyrerakten. Berlin 2021. [Info] Pape, Marion. Frauen schreiben Krieg. Die literarische Verarbeitung des nigerianischen Bürgerkrieges. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2006. [Info] Paquet-Deyris, Anne-Marie. »Fighting duels. Stanley vs. Blanche in the trunk and rape sequences.« Cercles No. 10 (2004): 177-183. [Info] Paradiso, Annalisa. »Violenza sessuale, 'hybris' e consenso nelle fonti grecche.« Vicende e figure feminile. Atti del convegno di Pesaro 28-30 Aprile 1994. Edited by R. Raffaeli. Pesaro-Ancone 1995. [Info] Paradiso, Annalisa. »Schiavitù femminile e violenza carnale. Stupro e coscienza dello stupro sulle schiave in Grecia.« Femmes - esclaves. Modèfles d'interprétation anthropologique, économique, juridique: atti del XXI Colloquio internazionale GIREA, Lacco-Ameno-Ischia, 27 - 29 ottobre 1994. Edited by Francesca R. Merola et al. Naples 1999: 145-162. [Info] Paranjape, Snehal, et al. Comfort women. An unfinished ordeal. Report of a mission. Geneva 1994. [Info] Paris, Jamie. »"Men break when things like that happen": On Indigenous Masculinities in Katherena Vermette's The Break.« Canadian Literature No. 239 (2020): 68-84. [Info] Parisi, Luciano. »Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse in Cristina Comencini's Novel La bestia nel cuore.« Modern Language Review 109 (2014): 674-688. [Info] Parisi, Luciano. Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018). Alessandria 2021. [Info] Park, Arum, et al. »Teaching Classics in the Age of #MeToo.« SCS Blog (February 14, 2018). [Info] Park, E. Jin, et al. »Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma: Psychiatric Evaluation of Offspring of Former "Comfort Women,"Survivors of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery during World War II.« Psychiatry Investigation 16 (2019): 249-253. [Info] Park, Eon-joo, et al. »Reconsidering the comfort women case. Inherited responsibility as civic responsibility.« Korea observer 41 (2010): 329-349. [Info] Park, Erica. The Trials of a Comfort Woman. Senior Thesis, Claremont McKenna College, 2011. [Info] Park, Jaehyuk, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024). [Info] Park, Jee H.A., et al. »Korean Survivors of the Japanese "Comfort Women" System: Understanding the Lifelong Consequences of Early Life Trauma.« Journal of Gerontological Social Work (June 28, 2016). [Info] Park, JeongWon B. »Politicising the Manhwa Representations of the Comfort Women: With an Emphasis on the Angoulême International Festival Controversy.« East Asia 36 (2019): 37-65. [Info] Park, June-Ae. »?????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??: ???? ??? ?? ??? ????.« ??????? 59 (2020): 47-80. [Info] Park, Kyungil, et al. »Pre- and Post-War Life History of Sex Slave Victims by Imperial Japanese Army.« Life Science Journal 11(S7) (2014): 528-533. [Info] Park, Minsu, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024). [Info] Park, SaeHim. Imaging "Comfort Women": Girl Statue of Peace (2011) in the Expanded Field. Dissertation, Duke University, 2024. [Info] Park, Sara. »Colonialism and Sisterhood: Japanese Female Activists and the "Comfort Women" Issue.« Critical Sociology (November 18, 2019). [Info] Park, Seon-Cheol. »Role of Putative Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Effects in "Comfort Women" Survivor Offspring.« Psychiatry Investigation 16 (2019): 475-476. [Info] Park, Shellie K. »Broken silence. Redressing the mass rape and sexual enslavement of Asian women by the Japanese government in an appropriate forum.« Asian-Pacific law & policy journal 3 (2002): 23-55. [Info] Park, So-Jin. »What/Who is Sleeping? Sexual Violence against Adolescent Girls and Revenge in Contemporary Film Versions of "Sleeping Beauty".« Asian Women 32 (2016): 1-22. [Info] Park, Therese. »To give a voice.« Legacies of the comfort women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 218-222. [Info] Park, Won S. »Ilbongun "winanbu" munje haegyeol eui junmang.« Ilbon'gun 'wianbu' munje ?i jinsang. Edited by Korean Council. Seoul 1997. [Info] Park, Won S. »Japanese reparations policies and the "comfort women" question.« The comfort women. Colonialism, war, and sex. Edited by Chungmoo Choi. Durham 1997: 107-134. [Info] Park, Won S. »Gerichtliche Auseinandersetzungen über die "Trostfrauen".« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 183-194. [Info] Park, Won S. »Legal disputes on the "comfort women" (sexual slaves) issue.« Forced prostitution in times of war and peace. Sexual violence against women and girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 216- . [Info] Park, Yeon, et al. »??? ??·????? ??? ??????.« Han'guk adong pokchihak No. 58 (2017): 47-76. [Info] Park, You-Me. »Comforting the nation. 'Comfort women,' the politics of apology and the workings of gender.« Interventions 2 (2000): 199-211. [Info] Park, You-me. »Compensation to fit the crime. Conceptualizing a just paradigm of reparation for Korean "comfort women".« Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 30 (2010): 204-213. [Info] Park, You-mee. »???, ??? ???? ??? ????? ??? '?? ???-??'? ??? ?? ??.« ???? 24 (2018): 125-155. [Info] Park, Yu-ha. Considering the Comfort Women Issue: Toward a Shared Historical Understanding and Reconciliation. Tokyo 2020. [Info] Parker, Alice. »"Incorrigible Rogues": The Brutalisation of British Soldiers in the Peninsular War, 1808-1814.« British Journal for Military History 1 (2015): 42-59. [Info] Parker, Karen, et al. »Compensation for Japan's World War II War-Rape Victims.« Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 17 (1994): 497-549. [Info] Parker, Kate. »"The Battle Without Killing": Eliza Haywood and the Politics of Attempted Rape.« Eighteenth-Century Poetry and the Rise of the Novel Reconsidered. Edited by Kate Parker et al. Lewisburg 2014: 27-48. [Info] Parker, Kate, et al. »"Side By Side With a Ruinous, Ever-Present Past": Trauma-Informed Teaching and the Eighteenth Century, Clarissa, and Fantomina.« ABO 11(1) (2021). [Info] Parker, Kathleen R. Law, culture, and sexual censure. Sex crime prosecutions in a midwest county circuit court, 1850-1950. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1993. [Info] Parker, Kathleen R. »"To protect the chastity of children under sixteen". Statutory rape prosecutions in a midwest county circuit court, 1850-1950.« Michigan historical review 20 (1994): 49-79. [Info] Parkinson, Patrick, et al. Study of Reported Child Abuse in the Anglican Church. Sydney 2009. [Info] Parkinson, Patrick, et al. Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. Sydney 2010. [Info] Parkinson, Patrick, et al. "Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia« Ecclesiology 6 (2010): 183-200. [Info] Parkinson, Patrick N., et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 21 (2012): 553-570. [Info] Parkinson, Patrick, et al. »Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012.« Adelaide Law Review 39 (2018): 99-123. [Info] Parkinson, Rhiannon. »The Complexity of Victimhood: Understanding Mass Rape in Occupied Germany and Subsequent Debates on Victimhood.« War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Edited by Sarah K. Danielsson. Paderborn 2019: 209-219. [Info] Parks, George B. »The Pier Luigi Farnese Scandal: An English Report.« Renaissance News 15 (1962): 193-200. [Info] Parry, Hugh. »Ovid's Metamorphoses. Violence in a pastoral landscape.« Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association 95 (1964): 268-282. [Info] Parry, Robin. »Feminist hermeneutics and evangelical concerns. The rape of Dinah as a case study.« Tyndale bulletin 53 (2002): 1-28. [Info] Parry, Robin. Old Testament story and christian ethics. The rape of Dinah as a case study. Bletchly 2004. [Info] Partington, Donald H. »The incidence of the death penalty for rape in Virginia.« Washington and Lee law review 22 (1965): 43-75. [Info] Paschall, Rod. »War Crimes.« The Oxford Companion to American Military History. Edited by John Whiteclay Chambers II. Oxford 1999: 781-782. [Info] Passarella, Claudia. »Between Leniency and Severity: Family Life and Criminal Behaviours at the Court of Assize of Venice, 1871-1898.« Histoire & Sociétés 24 (2020): 97-120. [Info] Pasteur, Paul. »Violences et viols des vainqueurs. Les femmes à Vienne et en Basse-Autriche, avril-août 1945.« Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 50 (2000): 123-136. [Info] Pastor, Peter. »Photographs as Historic Documents: An Examination of Two of Evgenii Khaldei's Budapest Photos.« Slavic Review 76 (2017): 53-62. [Info] Patai, Raphael. »Jus primae noctis.« Studies in marriage customs. Edited by Issachar Ben-Ami and Dov Noy. Jerusalem 1974: 177-180. [Info] Patel, Vibhuti. »Campaign against Rape by Women's Movement in India.« Deportate, Esuli e Profughe No. 24 (2014): 36-47. [Info] Paternotte, David. »The International (Lesbian and) Gay Association and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals.« Sexualities 17 (2014): 121-138. [Info] Paternotte, David. »The International (Lesbian and) Gay Association and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 101-121. [Info] Paterson, Linda. »Gender negotiations in France during the central Middle Ages. The literary evidence.« The medieval world. Edited by Peter Linehan et al. London 2001: 246-266. [Info] Patil, Ujwala. »Sexual violence and death in Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain.« Studies in Indian fiction in English. Edited by G.S. Balarama Gupta. Gulbarga 1987: 61-67. [Info] Patriarca, Éliane. 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[Info] Patton, William W. »Revictimizing Child Abuse Victims: An Empirical Rebuttal to the Open Juvenile Dependency Court Reform Movement.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 303-350. [Info] Pätzold, Alexandra. »Knabenliebe, der Antikendiskurs und das Nicht-Gesagte.« Blick-Wechsel: Konstruktionen von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. Edited by Ines Lindner et al. Berlin 1989: 41-48. [Info] Patzold, Steffen. »Die Lust des Herrschers: Zur Bedeutung und Verbreitung eines politischen Vorwurfs zur Zeit Heinrichs IV.« Heinrich IV. Edited by Gerd Althoff. Ostfildern 2009: 219-253. [Info] Paul, Ashly. »Artivism and Resistance: A Study of Sexual Violence in Select Protest Plays.« Navajyoti 4.2 (2020). [Info] Paul, Christa, et al. »Bordelle in deutschen Konzentrationslagern.« K(r)ampfader 6 (1991). [Info] Paul, Christa. Zwangsprostitution. Staatlich errichtete Bordelle im Nationalsozialismus. Berlin 1994. [Info] Paul, Christa. Nazizumu to kyoseibaishun. 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